Vision, Mission, Values
- To maintain the Council’s registration under the Act in respect of the sectors;
- To perform in respect of the sectors all duties assigned to an Employment Council in terms of the relevant section of the Act;
- To use its endeavors generally in the direction of maintaining indust
rial peace and promoting good relationships between employers and employees in the sectors;
- To promote interests of apprentices, learners and skilled workers, to encourage the practical and technical training of apprentices, learners and skilled workers and to encourage every endeavour by all concerned to produce efficient employees in the sectors;
- To administer all, or any, Collective Bargaining Agreements arrived at by the parties, to consider and regulate, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, matters of mutual interest to the parties and to prevent and settle disputes;
- To encourage the establishment of pensions schemes, medical aid schemes and such other special funds or schemes for the sectors as may be considered desirable and such other services as the parties to the council may, from time to time, feel appropriate;
- To promote employment and encourage the creation of job opportunities;
- To administer, or regulate, such funds as may be provided for in the Collective Bargaining Agreements made by the parties; and Generally to do such other lawful things as may appear to be in the interests of employers and employees in the sectors.